Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sinus Infection Remedy

I feel so much better today! Really yesterday I was ready to give up and go to the doctor. I had decided that I was going today if I had not significantly improved. Yesterday afternoon I just started to cry because I had had it. Of course getting antibiotics is not a guarantee of improvement.

My herbal book didn't give much information that I wasn't already trying, and Hubby's neti-pot didn't do anything. I tried the hot compresses and managed to get a significant amount of (sorry) neon yellow mucus out, but no relief. For a compress take a hot wet washcloth and hold just below eyes, covering both cheeks, nose and mouth.

I finally got on line and did a search on sinus infections. Here's what I found

Here is what I did: I immediately drank 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in water. I didn't really feel any relief, but shortly afterward I tried the hot compress again and the discharge was clear! I didn't get much though. I drank this 3 times yesterday. Then Hubby got me some grapefruit seed extract, and I continued to alternate that with the echinacea and goldenseal. Throughout the day I felt little popping sensations all over my face. For supper I ate hot and spicy chicken with extra cayenne pepper added.

This morning I'm still feeling the popping sensation and lots of thick mucus is running down my throat. Not sure the stomach is a good place for it, but not sure what to do about that. There is still a little pressure in my face, but nothing actually hurts now! I need to call my dad who was certain I needed to go to the doctor.

Praise the Lord for natural cures!

1 comment:

BellaMama said...

I'm so glad you found a natural remedy that worked for you!!
I didn't realize the ACV would work! The only other thing I'd suggest would be eating garlic or putting freshly diced garlic as a poltice on your feet. You'll stink, but it kills the yuckies.
Praying for you!
Blessings, Mrs.C.