Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ten Cent Sharks

The other day I gave my son the calculator to play with while I was working on the computer. He was quite for a while and then announced "Look out, Mom.... SHARKS!" I feigned fright. The he says, "Ten cent sharks." He proclaimed this over and over and announcing; "I see them, Here they come, and I see their fingers!" LOL.

Later he was quite and I asked if they were all gone now. He said yes, and then announced the "two cent sharks"

Where does a 2 1/2 year old get this stuff. Last night he got the calculator down and proceeded to show his daddy the ten cent and two cent sharks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute story. My 4 and 2 year old play with a calculator like that too. Like it's a game. I wonder.... why buy toys when they're so fascinated with things like calculators, cardboard boxes, etc....