Monday, November 26, 2007

Having Time for Everything

Ahh, I feel like my head is spinning. I asked God for guidance this morning. I need to figure out what to put my energy into, and what to cut back on.

The money saving with coupons and store ads, especially CVS, is really helping our budget; as is the menu planning. I really need to find a way to spend less time at it. I asked the girls if they wanted to take over the menu planning, but no takers. The person doing this job needs to have some interest in it.

Business is booming, which is also helping with the finances. I need to let one of my girls practice on these projects. Meg already has enough sewing for her own job.

Blogging also takes some time, not sure if I'm willing to give this up. I've always wanted to keep a journal. I did when I was younger, but it needed to be destroyed, I didn't need a record of all my sins and how I relished in them.

Of course there is school, housekeeping, bill paying, and all the family stuff to keep a mom busy all the day long!

Hubby says I need to focus on one thing at a time. I really think that is a man thing. How can a mom with 4 children, soup on the stove, laundry in the washer, and the phone ringing, concentrate on one thing at a time. I'm thinking crayon on the walls, stinky laundry and burnt soup.

God bless you (and me too) as you go about our day!


April@Crafty*Nesty*Thrifty said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about all the multi-tasking us Moms must do. I too lately have been feeling anxious about all that needs to be done, I try to remind myself to stop and breath and remember that I have managed to get through other busy seasons effectively and I will this one too and so will you:) Take care, April.

50s Housewife said...

Oh I have felt that same way so often! If it's any consolation, I haven't been doing CVS long (maybe 6 weeks), but as I learn I seem to gradually be spending less time at it. As for the multi-taking, I don't know if there is any way around it as a mom.

Hang in there and I'll be praying for ya! :)