Thursday, January 31, 2008


I've been selling my handmade products on ebay for about 2 years now, and I found up last a couple of nights ago that they are marking up there prices by a huge amount. One of my best selling items is going to change in cost to list and sell from $1.06 to $1.64. I can't even make up for this in the savings I got on my fabric.

I looked into and found they have a really nice site for buying and selling handmade products. They have very reasonable selling rates, and your items can remain listed for 4 months. It seems like a really busy place, though I only heard about it several months ago from another blog.

Yes, I know it's a shameless plug to ask you all to go check out etsy, since I just opened up shop there! But please do, there are so many great WAHMs there and great products!

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