Saturday, February 23, 2008

Super Saving Saturday!

The items on the left I got at Walgreens.
Transaction 1 :
Gillette Fushion Phemon Razor $9.99
- Manufactures Q -4.00
Total with tax 6.69
- Gift card from previous rebates5.50
Total paid $1.19
Register Reward Received $6.00
Transaction 2:
2- 26 oz Tide @ 2.99 each.
- Register Rewards $6.00
Total paid with tax 40 cents!
CVS (Items on the right)
2 Kotex $5.00
1 Lip Balm .79
1 Gillette Razor 9.99
1 Sunsilk Shampoo 4.49
1 Sunsilk Styler FREE
1 Brownie .35
1 Shortcake .35
-CVS Q Kotex 1.00
- Kotex Q 2.00
- Sunsilk Shampoo Q 1.50
-Sunsilk Cream Q 1.50
-CVS Sunsilk 1.50/2 1.50
-CVS Gillette Q 2.00
-Gillette Q 2.00
-EB 6.00
-EB (extra buck) 3.29
Total paid with tax $1.69!!! It actually could have been less if we had skipped the treats and the lip balm. I just couldn't figure the number of coupons vs. products. You are only allowed 1 manufacturer coupon and one CVS coupon per item purchased. So I tossed in the extras not realizing I didn't need them.
Thanks to Crystal at for the great tips on frugal shopping!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Doing the Happy Dance!

Whoo-hoo! Our $1000 emergency fund is finished! It took just about a month to finish with only starting with $100 in savings! We are so excited!!!

I first blogged about the emergency fund here ( ) and here ( )

Dave Ramsey says it's important to get this in place in a month or less. I new we could do it because our tax refund would be coming; but this is really cool..... we don't have the tax refund yet!!!! We did it (With the LORD's help of course) without the tax refund!

When our tax refund comes we will owe less than $3000 on anything except the house!

What is truly amazing though since we put these goals in place is that my hubby is HAPPY! It has taken such a weight off his shoulders! He feels so free knowing we aren't taking out any more debt and we have an emergency fund in place! This whole last week he has been so much at ease. Things that normally bothered him he just takes in stride!